

I Sit Among the Mothers, Christian Century (forthcoming)

Poem Written on the Blue Line, North American Review (forthcoming)

How to Wait (at the Fertility Clinic), NELLE (forthcoming)

Song of the Barred Owl, Braided Way

Still Life with Migraine and Birdsong, Stirring

Vernacular of the Domestic, Autumn Sky Poetry DAILY


Uninhabited, Sweet Lit — poetry contest finalist

Self-Portrait as Woman as Forest, Anti-Heroin Chic

Cathedral, SWWIM Every Day

Of Womb and Wings, Wild Roof Journal

Red Oak, Wild Roof Journal

Small is the Seed, Tyger Tyger Magazine

Thirteen Tornadoes, The Hopper

Fishing Lessons, Sheila-Na-Gig online — Pushcart Prize nomination

Asteroidea, Sheila-Na-Gig online

Late Morning on the Magee Marsh Trail, Sheila-Na-Gig online

Of Moss and Mothers, motherlore magazine

Review of Heather Lanier’s Psalms of Unknowing, North American Review

Unearthed, CALYX


After Two Years, the Midwife Explains, Sweet Lit

Light Feast on the Olentangy, SWWIM Every Day

My Daughter Explains the Nature of Time, tiny wren lit

Phone Date, Voicemail Poems

From Forest to Sea, Free Verse Revolution —Pushcart Prize nomination

Hope Is a Wildfire, The Shore

The Only Constant, West Trade Review

At Saint Stephen’s, Whale Road Review — Best Spiritual Literature nomination

Unharvested, or After Quarantine, We Go Out into Marigold Light, Sheila-Na-Gig online

To My Daughter in the Living Room, Dancing, Sheila-Na-Gig online

Meeting Great Grandad After Lockdown, Spry Lit

Unsheltered, or News of the Broken World, Writing in a Woman’s Voice

Turning Thirty in Miami, Autumn Sky Poetry DAILY

Blank Slate, Minerva Rising


Aubade at Clear Creek, Rust & Moth

Near the Fourth of July in a Pandemic, Mom Egg Review

Tomato Season, Minerva Rising

Wean, or One Afternoon My Breast Blooms Bright as a Poppy—, A-Minor Magazine

In Walhalla Ravine, Nightingale & Sparrow

To My Daughter at the Park in Late Spring, Quillkeepers Press


The Tending of These Days, Literary Mama

The Nights Were a Wilderness, The Sunlight Press

Fiddleheads, or When My Hair Began to Grow Back, Oyster River Pages

On the Playground, I Think about How a Mother Is Like a Moth, Minerva Rising — Pushcart Prize nomination

When My Daughter Considers the Magnolia, Anti-Heroin Chic

The First Time You Crawled, The Mum Poem Press

At Elyse’s Baby Shower, Thimble


When You Were Nine Weeks Old, Mothers Always Write

Two Moccasins Tied Together, Mothers Always Write

Sunflowers, The Mum Poem Press